Monday, January 1, 2007

A new beginning

Hi folks and welcome to Widgetrix. From time to time, we've seen lots of web widgets available on the net for almost all occasion. Here in Widgetrix we test out the widgets ourself and share our verdict here. We also aim to be one stop resources for web widgets for blogs and other web pages such as TypePad, WordPress, Blogger, MySpace as well as most other blogs, sidebars or websites.

Web widgets have been growing over the past two or three years. They have followed the growth of blogging and social networking. Why and how the widgets exist? According to Wikipedia, the term widget applied to widget engine, widget computing, widget (comics) and even a TV series. However the appropriate defination that we covered in this blog must be this one. A web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation.

Widgets make it easy for bloggers and social network users to add photos, videos, music selections, weather forecasts, clocks, quizzes, maps, friends, polls, chat, emoticons, stock charts, sports scores, video games and other content to your blog. So widgets is merely a medium or container for delivering a content from one website to another. YouTube is one of the popuar widget among blogger around the world.

Well the way I see it, perhaps one day widgets will become some sort of major revenue for a producer. Let's just wait and see and for the meantime if you found any cool widgets, let us know. If you're sharing the same passion like we do, let's join forces by joining our blog community.

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